Qtea Tensor
- class qtealeaves.tensors.QteaTensor(links, ctrl='Z', are_links_outgoing=None, base_tensor_cls=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.complex128'>, device=None)[source]
Dense tensor for Quantum Tea simulations using numpy or cupy as underlying arrays and linear algebra.
- linkslist of integers
Dimension along each link.
- ctrlstr | scalar, optional
Initialization of tensor. Valid are “N” (uninitialized array), “Z” (zeros) “R”, “random” (random), “ground” for first element equal to one, or None (elem completely not set), scalar (the tensor is filled with that scalar value). Default to “Z”
- are_links_outgoinglist of bools, optional
Used in symmetric tensors only
- base_tensor_clsvalid dense quantum tea tensor or None, optional
Used in symmetric tensors only
- dtypedata type, optional
Data type for numpy or cupy. Default to np.complex128
- devicedevice specification, optional
Default to “cpu”. Available: “cpu”, “gpu”
- add_update(other, factor_this=None, factor_other=None)[source]
Inplace addition as self = factor_this * self + factor_other * other.
- othersame instance as self
Will be added to self. Unmodified on exit.
- factor_thisscalar
Scalar weight for tensor self.
- factor_otherscalar
Scalar weight for tensor other
- property are_links_outgoing
Define property of outgoing links as property (always False).
- attach_dummy_link(position, is_outgoing=True)[source]
Attach dummy link at given position (inplace update).
- property base_tensor_cls
Base tensor class.
- convert(dtype=None, device=None, stream=None)[source]
Convert underlying array to the specified data type inplace.
- dtypenp.dtype, optional
Type to which you want to convert. If None, no conversion. Default to None.
- devicestr, optional
Device where you want to send the QteaTensor. If None, no conversion. Default to None.
- streamNone | cp.cuda.Stream
If not None, use a new stream for memory communication. Default to None (Use null stream).
- static convert_operator_dict(op_dict, params=None, symmetries=None, generators=None, base_tensor_cls=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.complex128'>, device='cpu')[source]
Iterate through an operator dict and convert the entries. Converts as well to rank-4 tensors.
- op_dictinstance of
Contains the operators as xp.ndarray.
- paramsdict, optional
To resolve operators being passed as callable.
- symmetries: list, optional, for compatibility with symmetric tensors.
Must be empty list.
- generatorslist, optional, for compatibility with symmetric tensors.
Must be empty list.
- base_tensor_clsNone, optional, for compatibility with symmetric tensors.
No checks on this one here.
- dtypedata type for xp, optional
Specify data type. Default to np.complex128
- devicestr
Device for the simulation. Available “cpu” and “gpu” Default to “cpu”
The conversion to rank-4 tensors is useful for future implementations, either to support adding interactions with a bond dimension greater than one between them or for symmetries. We add dummy links of dimension one. The order is (dummy link to the left, old link-1, old link-2, dummy link to the right).
- op_dictinstance of
- convert_singvals(singvals, dtype=None, device=None, stream=None)[source]
Convert the singular values via a tensor.
- dtypenp.dtype, optional
Type to which you want to convert. If None, no conversion. Default to None.
- devicestr, optional
Device where you want to send the QteaTensor. If None, no conversion. Default to None.
- streamNone | cp.cuda.Stream
If not None, use a new stream for memory communication. Default to None (Use null stream).
- property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- property dtype_eps
Data type’s machine precision.
- static dummy_link(example_link)[source]
Construct a dummy link. It is just the integer 1 if no symmetries are involved.
- eig_api(matvec_func, links, conv_params, args_func=None, kwargs_func=None)[source]
Interface to hermitian eigenproblem
- matvec_funccallable
Multiplies “matrix” with “vector”
- linkslinks according to
Contain the dimension of the problem.
- conv_paramsinstance of
Settings for eigenproblem with Arnoldi method.
args_func : arguments for matvec_func
kwargs_func : keyword arguments for matvec_func
eigenvalues : scalar
eigenvectors : instance of
- eig_api_arpack(matvec_func, links, conv_params, args_func=None, kwargs_func=None)[source]
Interface to hermitian eigenproblem via Arpack. Arguments see eig_api.
- eig_api_qtea(matvec_func, conv_params, args_func=None, kwargs_func=None)[source]
Interface to hermitian eigenproblem via qtealeaves.solvers. Arguments see eig_api.
- property elem
Elements of the tensor.
- elementwise_abs_smaller_than(value)[source]
Return boolean if each tensor element is smaller than value
- expand_tensor(link, new_dim, ctrl='R')[source]
Expand tensor along given link and to new dimension.
- eye_like(link)[source]
Generate identity matrix.
- selfinstance of
Extract data type etc from this one here.
- linksame as returned by links property, here integer.
Dimension of the square, identity matrix.
- selfinstance of
- static free_device_memory()[source]
Free the unused device memory that is otherwise occupied by the cache. Otherwise cupy will keep the memory occupied for caching reasons.
- classmethod from_elem_array(tensor, dtype=None, device=None)[source]
New tensor from array
- tensorxp.ndarray
Array for new tensor.
- dtypedata type, optional
Can allow to specify data type. If not None, it will convert. Default to None
- fuse_links_update(fuse_low, fuse_high, is_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Fuses one set of links to a single link (inplace-update).
- fuse_lowint
First index to fuse
- fuse_highint
Last index to fuse.
Example: if you want to fuse links 1, 2, and 3, fuse_low=1, fuse_high=3. Therefore the function requires links to be already sorted before in the correct order.
- get_submatrix(row_range, col_range)[source]
Extract a submatrix of a rank-2 tensor for the given rows / cols.
- kron(other, idxs=None)[source]
Perform the kronecker product between two tensors. By default, do it over all the legs, but you can also specify which legs should be kroned over. The legs over which the kron is not done should have the same dimension.
- otherQteaTensor
Tensor to kron with self
- idxsTuple[int], optional
Indexes over which to perform the kron. If None, kron over all indeces. Default to None.
- QteaTensor
The kronned tensor
Performing the kronecker product between a tensor of shape (2, 3, 4) and a tensor of shape (1, 2, 3) will result in a tensor of shape (2, 6, 12).
To perform the normal kronecker product between matrices just pass rank-2 tensors.
To perform kronecker product between vectors first transfor them in rank-2 tensors of shape (1, -1)
Performing the kronecker product only along some legs means that along that leg it is an elementwise product and not a kronecker. For Example, if idxs=(0, 2) for the tensors of shapes (2, 3, 4) and (1, 3, 2) the output will be of shape (2, 3, 8).
- property linear_algebra_library
Specification of the linear algebra library used as string numpy-cupy`.
- property links
Here, as well dimension of tensor along each dimension.
- mask_to_device(mask)[source]
Send a mask to the device where the tensor is. (right now only CPU –> GPU, CPU –> CPU).
- classmethod mpi_recv(from_, comm, tn_mpi_types, tensor_backend)[source]
Send tensor via MPI.
- from_integer
MPI process to receive tensor from.
comm : instance of MPI communicator to be used
- tn_mpi_typesdict
Dictionary mapping dtype to MPI data types.
tensor_backend : instance of
- mpi_send(to_, comm, tn_mpi_types)[source]
Send tensor via MPI.
- tointeger
MPI process to send tensor to.
comm : instance of MPI communicator to be used
- tn_mpi_typesdict
Dictionary mapping dtype to MPI data types.
- property ndim
Rank of the tensor.
- norm_sqrt()[source]
Calculate the square root of the norm of the tensor, i.e., sqrt( <tensor|tensor>).
- permute_rows_cols_update(inds)[source]
Permute rows and columns of rank-2 tensor with inds. Inplace update.
- prepare_eig_api(conv_params)[source]
Return xp variables for eigsh.
- kwargsdict
Keyword arguments for eigs call. If initial guess can be passed, key “v0” is set with value None
- LinearOperatorcallable
Function generating a LinearOperator
- eigshcallable
Interface with actual call to eigsh
- random_unitary(links)[source]
Generate a random unitary matrix via performing a QR on a random tensor.
- selfinstance of
Extract data type etc from this one here.
- linkssame as returned by links property, here integer.
Dimension of the tensors as [link[0], .., link[-1], link[0], .., link[-1]], random unitary matrix for contracting first/last half of legs with itself.
- selfinstance of
- classmethod read(filehandle, dtype, device, base_tensor_cls, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]
Read a tensor from file.
- scale_link(link_weights, link_idx, do_inverse=False)[source]
Scale tensor along one link at link_idx with weights.
- link_weightsnp.ndarray
Scalar weights, e.g., singular values.
- link_idxint
Link which should be scaled.
- do_inversebool, optional
If True, scale with inverse instead of multiplying with link weights. Default to False
updated_link : instance of
The inverse implementation handles zeros correctly which have been introduced due to padding. Therefore, scale_link should be used over passing 1 / link_weights to this function.
- scale_link_update(link_weights, link_idx, do_inverse=False)[source]
Scale tensor along one link at link_idx with weights (inplace update).
- link_weightsnp.ndarray
Scalar weights, e.g., singular values.
- link_idxint
Link which should be scaled.
- do_inversebool, optional
If True, scale with inverse instead of multiplying with link weights. Default to False
The inverse implementation handles zeros correctly which have been introduced due to padding. Therefore, scale_link_update should be used over passing 1 / link_weights to this function.
- set_diagonal_entry(position, value)[source]
Set the diagonal element in a rank-2 tensor (inplace update)
- set_matrix_entry(idx_row, idx_col, value)[source]
Set one element in a rank-2 tensor (inplace update)
- static set_missing_link(links, max_dim, are_links_outgoing=None)[source]
Calculate the property of a missing link in a list.
- linkslist
Contains data like returned by property links, except for one element being None
- max_dimint
Maximal dimension of link allowed by convergence parameters or similar.
- are_links_outgoinglist of bools
Indicates link direction for symmetry tensors only.
- set_submatrix(row_range, col_range, tensor)[source]
Set a submatrix of a rank-2 tensor for the given rows / cols.
- set_subtensor_entry(corner_low, corner_high, tensor)[source]
Set a subtensor (potentially expensive as looping explicitly, inplace update).
- corner_lowlist of ints
The lower index of each dimension of the tensor to set. Length must match rank of tensor self.
- corner_highlist of ints
The higher index of each dimension of the tensor to set. Length must match rank of tensor self.
- tensor
Tensor to be set as subtensor. Rank must match tensor self. Dimensions must match corner_high - corner_low.
To set the tensor of shape 2x2x2 in a larger tensor self of shape 8x8x8 the corresponing call is in comparison to a numpy syntax:
self.set_subtensor_entry([2, 4, 2], [4, 6, 4], tensor)
self[2:4, 4:6, 2:4] = tensor
Or with variables and rank-3 tensors
self.set_subtensor_entry([a, b, c], [d, e, f], tensor)
self[a:d, b:e, c:f] = tensor
To be able to work with all ranks, we currently avoid the numpy syntax in our implementation.
- property shape
Dimension of tensor along each dimension.
- split_qr(legs_left, legs_right, perm_left=None, perm_right=None, is_q_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Split the tensor via a QR decomposition.
- selfinstance of
Tensor upon which apply the QR
- legs_leftlist of int
Legs that will compose the rows of the matrix
- legs_rightlist of int
Legs that will compose the columns of the matrix
- perm_leftlist of int, optional
permutations of legs after the QR on left tensor
- perm_rightlist of int, optional
permutation of legs after the QR on right tensor
- tens_left: instance of
unitary tensor after the QR, i.e., Q.
- tens_right: instance of
upper triangular tensor after the QR, i.e., R
- selfinstance of
- split_qrte(tens_right, singvals_self, operator=None, conv_params=None, is_q_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Perform an Truncated ExpandedQR decomposition, generalizing the idea of https://arxiv.org/pdf/2212.09782.pdf for a general bond expansion given the isometry center of the network on tens_left. It should be rather general for three-legs tensors, and thus applicable with any tensor network ansatz. Notice that, however, you do not have full control on the approximation, since you know only a subset of the singular values truncated.
- tens_left: xp.array
Left tensor
- tens_right: xp.array
Right tensor
- singvals_left: xp.array
Singular values array insisting on the link to the left of tens_left
- operator: xp.array or None
Operator to contract with the tensors. If None, no operator is contracted
- tens_left: ndarray
left tensor after the EQR
- tens_right: ndarray
right tensor after the EQR
- singvals: ndarray
singular values kept after the EQR
- singvals_cutted: ndarray
subset of thesingular values cutted after the EQR, normalized with the biggest singval
- split_svd(legs_left, legs_right, perm_left=None, perm_right=None, contract_singvals='N', conv_params=None, no_truncation=False, is_link_outgoing_left=True)[source]
Perform a truncated Singular Value Decomposition by first reshaping the tensor into a legs_left x legs_right matrix, and permuting the legs of the ouput tensors if needed. If the contract_singvals = (‘L’, ‘R’) it takes care of renormalizing the output tensors such that the norm of the MPS remains 1 even after a truncation.
- selfinstance of
Tensor upon which apply the SVD
- legs_leftlist of int
Legs that will compose the rows of the matrix
- legs_rightlist of int
Legs that will compose the columns of the matrix
- perm_leftlist of int, optional
permutations of legs after the SVD on left tensor
- perm_rightlist of int, optional
permutation of legs after the SVD on right tensor
- contract_singvals: string, optional
- How to contract the singular values.
‘N’ : no contraction ‘L’ : to the left tensor ‘R’ : to the right tensor
- conv_params
, optional Convergence parameters to use in the procedure. If None is given, then use the default convergence parameters of the TN. Default to None.
- no_truncationboolean, optional
Allow to run without truncation Default to False (hence truncating by default)
- tens_left: instance of
left tensor after the SVD
- tens_right: instance of
right tensor after the SVD
- singvals: xp.ndarray
singular values kept after the SVD
- singvals_cut: xp.ndarray
singular values cut after the SVD, normalized with the biggest singval
- selfinstance of
- stack_first_and_last_link(other)[source]
Stack first and last link of tensor targeting MPS addition.
- stack_link(other, link)[source]
Stack two tensors along a given link.
- otherinstance of
Links must match self up to the specified link.
- linkinteger
Stack along this link.
new_this : instance of :class:QteaTensor`
- otherinstance of
- subtensor_along_link(link, lower, upper)[source]
Extract and return a subtensor select range (lower, upper) for one line.
- to_dense(true_copy=False)[source]
Return dense tensor (if true_copy=False, same object may be returned).
- to_dense_singvals(s_vals, true_copy=False)[source]
Convert singular values to dense vector without symmetries.
- vector_with_dim_like(dim, dtype=None)[source]
Generate a vector in the native array of the base tensor.
- class qtealeaves.tensors.DataMoverNumpyCupy[source]
Data mover to move QteaTensor between numpy and cupy
- async_move(tensor, device)[source]
Move the tensor tensor to the device device asynchronously with respect to the main computational stream
- tensor_AbstractTensor
The tensor to be moved
- device: str
The device where to move the tensor
- property device_memory
Current memory occupied in the device
- class qtealeaves.tensors._process_svd_ctrl(svd_ctrl, max_bond_dim, shape, device, contract_singvals)[source]
Process the svd_ctrl parameter for an SVD decomposition
- svd_ctrl: str
SVD identifier chosen by the user
- max_bond_dimint
Maximum bond dimension
- shape: Tuple[int]
Shape of the matrix to be split
- device: str
Device where the splitting is taking place
- contract_singvals: str
Where to contract the singvals
- str
The svd_ctrl after the double-check
Tensor Backend
- class qtealeaves.tensors.TensorBackend(tensor_cls=<class 'qtealeaves.tensors.tensor.QteaTensor'>, base_tensor_cls=<class 'qtealeaves.tensors.tensor.QteaTensor'>, device='cpu', dtype=<class 'numpy.complex128'>, symmetry_injector=None, datamover=<qtealeaves.tensors.tensor.DataMoverNumpyCupy object>)[source]
Defines the complete tensor backend to be used. Contains the tensor class, the base tensor class in case it is needed for symmetric tensors, the target device, and the data type.
- tensor_cls: _AbstractTensor, optional
Tensor class. Might be dense or symmetric. Default to QteaTensor
- base_tensor_cls: _AbstractTensor, optional
The dense tensor class if tensor_cls was symmetric. Same as tensor_cls for dense tensors. Default to QteaTensor.
- device: str, optional
Device of the tensors. Devices available depend on tensor_cls. The possible device available are: - “cpu” - “gpu” - “cgpu”, where the tensor network will be stored in the “cpu”,
but all the computational demanding tasks will be executed on the “gpu”.
Default to “cpu”.
- dtype: np.dtype, optional
Type of the tensor network. Available types depends on ‘tensor_cls`. Default to np.complex128.
- symmetry_injectorclass similar to AbelianSymmetryInjector or None
Provides inject_parse_symmetries, inject_trivial_symmetry, and inject_parse_sectors for parsing symmetries and sectors as well as providing the trivial symmetry representation. Default to None (only valid for no symmetries).
- datamoverinstance of
Data mover compatible with the base_tensor_cls Default to
- property computational_device
Device where the computations are done
- eye_like(link)[source]
Create identity, unlike version in _AbstractQteaTensor, no existing tensor is required.
- linksame as returned by links property, here integer.
Dimension of the square, identity matrix.
- property memory_device
Device where the tensor is stored
- parse_sectors(params, sym)[source]
Parse the sectors via a function which has to be passed by the user to __init__.
Abstract tensor
- class qtealeaves.tensors._AbstractQteaTensor(links, ctrl='Z', are_links_outgoing=None, base_tensor_cls=None, dtype=None, device=None)[source]
Tensor for Quantum Tea simulations.
- linkslist
Type of entries in list depends on tensor type and are either integers for dense tensors or some LinkType for symmetric tensors.
- ctrlstr, optional
Initialization of tensor. Default to “Z”
- are_links_outgoinglist of bools
Used in symmetric tensors only: direction of link in tensor. Length is same as rank of tensor.
- base_tensor_clsvalid dense quantum tea tensor or None
Used in symmetric tensors only: class representing dense tensor
- dtypedata type, optional
Valid data type for the underlying tensors.
- devicedevice specification, optional
Valid device specification (depending on tensor).
- abstract add_update(other, factor_this=None, factor_other=None)[source]
Inplace addition as self = factor_this * self + factor_other * other.
- abstract property are_links_outgoing
Define property of outgoing links as property (always False).
- assert_unitary(links, tol=1e-07)[source]
Raise exception if tensor is not unitary up to tolerance for given links.
- abstract attach_dummy_link(position, is_outgoing=True)[source]
Attach dummy link at given position (inplace update).
- abstract property base_tensor_cls
Base tensor class.
- abstract convert(dtype=None, device=None, stream=None)[source]
Convert underlying array to the specified data type inplace.
- abstract static convert_operator_dict(op_dict, params=None, symmetries=None, generators=None, base_tensor_cls=None, dtype=None, device=None)[source]
Iterate through an operator dict and convert the entries.
- op_dictinstance of
Contains the operators as xp.ndarray.
- symmetries: list, optional, for compatability with symmetric tensors.
For symmetry, contains symmetries. Otherwise, must be empty list.
- generatorslist, optional, for compatability with symmetric tensors.
For symmetries, contains generator of the symmetries as str for dict. Must be empty list.
- base_tensor_clsNone, optional, for compatability with symmetric tensors.
For symmetries, must be valid base tensor class. Otherwise, no checks on this one here.
- dtypedata type for xp, optional
Specify data type.
- devicestr
Device for the simulation. Typically “cpu” and “gpu”, but depending on tensor backend.
- op_dictinstance of
- abstract convert_singvals(singvals, dtype=None, device=None, stream=None)[source]
Convert the singular values via a tensor.
- abstract property device
Device where the tensor is stored.
- abstract property dtype
Data type of the underlying arrays.
- abstract property dtype_eps
Data type’s machine precision of the underlying arrays.
- abstract static dummy_link(example_link)[source]
Construct a dummy link. This method is particularly important for symmetries.
- abstract eig_api(matvec_func, links, conv_params, args_func=None, kwargs_func=None)[source]
Interface to hermitian eigenproblem
- abstract expand_link_tensorpair(other, link_self, link_other, new_dim, ctrl='R')[source]
Expand the link between a pair of tensors based on the ctrl parameter. “R” for random
- abstract eye_like(link)[source]
Generate identity matrix.
- selfinstance of
Extract data type etc from this one here.
- linksame as returned by links property.
Dimension of the square, identity matrix.
- selfinstance of
- static free_device_memory()[source]
Free the unused device memory that is otherwise occupied by the cache. This method SHOULD NOT free memory allocated for the computation.
- abstract fuse_links_update(fuse_low, fuse_high, is_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Fuses one set of links to a single link (inplace-update).
- abstract get_of(variable)[source]
Run the get method to transfer to host on variable (same device as self).
- abstract getsizeof()[source]
Size in memory (approximate, e.g., without considering small meta data).
- abstract is_link_full(link_idx)[source]
Check if the link at given index is at full bond dimension.
- abstract kron(other, idxs=None)[source]
Perform the kronecker product between two tensors. By default, do it over all the legs, but you can also specify which legs should be kroned over. The legs over which the kron is not done should have the same dimension.
- abstract property linear_algebra_library
Specification of the linear algebra library used as string.
- abstract property links
Specification of link with full information to reconstruct link.
- abstract property ndim
Rank of the tensor.
- abstract random_unitary(links)[source]
Generate a random unitary tensor via performing a SVD on a random tensor, where a matrix dimension is specified with links. Tensor will be of the structure [link[0], .., link[-1], link[0], .., link[-1]].
- abstract classmethod read(filehandle, dtype, device, base_tensor_cls, cmplx=True, order='F')[source]
Read a tensor from file.
- abstract remove_dummy_link(position)[source]
Remove the dummy link at given position (inplace update).
- abstract restrict_irreps(link_idx, sector)[source]
Restrict, i.e., project, link to a sector (needed for symmetric tensors).
- abstract scale_link(link_weights, link_idx, do_inverse=False)[source]
Scale tensor along one link at link_idx with weights. Can do inverse, too.
- abstract scale_link_update(link_weights, link_idx, do_inverse=False)[source]
Scale tensor along one link at link_idx with weights (inplace update).
- abstract set_diagonal_entry(position, value)[source]
Set the diagonal element in a rank-2 tensor (inplace update)
- abstract set_matrix_entry(idx_row, idx_col, value)[source]
Set element in a rank-2 tensor (inplace update)
- abstract static set_missing_link(links, max_dim, are_links_outgoing=None)[source]
Calculate the property of a missing link in a list.
- abstract property shape
Dimension of tensor along each dimension.
- abstract split_link_deg_charge(link_idx)[source]
Split a link into two, where one carries the degeneracy, the other the charge.
- link_idxint
Link to be split.
New tensor with link at position link_idx split into two links at link_idx (degeneracy) and link_idx + 1 (charge). Links originally after link_idx follow shifted by one index.
- abstract split_qr(legs_left, legs_right, perm_left=None, perm_right=None, is_q_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Split the tensor via a QR decomposition.
- abstract split_qrte(tens_right, singvals_self, operator=None, conv_params=None, is_q_link_outgoing=True)[source]
Split via a truncated expanded QR.
- abstract split_svd(legs_left, legs_right, perm_left=None, perm_right=None, contract_singvals='N', conv_params=None, no_truncation=False, is_link_outgoing_left=True)[source]
Split tensor via SVD for a bipartion of links.
- abstract tensordot(other, contr_idx)[source]
Tensor contraction of two tensors along the given indices.
- abstract to_dense(true_copy=False)[source]
Return dense tensor (if true_copy=False, same object may be returned).
- abstract to_dense_singvals(s_vals, true_copy=False)[source]
Convert singular values to dense vector without symmetries.
- class qtealeaves.tensors._AbstractQteaBaseTensor(links, ctrl='Z', are_links_outgoing=None, base_tensor_cls=None, dtype=None, device=None)[source]
- abstract assert_diagonal(tol=1e-07)[source]
Check that tensor is a diagonal matrix up to tolerance.
- abstract assert_int_values(tol=1e-07)[source]
Check that there are only integer values in the tensor.
- concatenate_vectors(vectors, dtype, dim=None)[source]
Concatenate vectors of the underlying numpy / cupy / torch / etc tensors.
- vectorslist
List of one-dimensional arrays.
- dtypedata type
Data type of concatenated vectors.
- dimint | None
Total dimension of concatenated vectors. If None, calculated on the fly. Default to None
- vecone-dimensional array of corresponding backend library, e.g., numpy ndarray
The elements in the list are concatenated in order, e.g., input [[1, 2], [6, 5, 3]] will result in [1, 2, 6, 5, 3].
- mappingdict
Keys are the index of the individual vectors in the list vectors. Values are tuples with two integers with the lower and higher bound, e.g., {0 : (0, 2), 1: (2, 5)} for the example in vec in the previous return variable.
Used to concatenate singular values for symmetric tensors in SVD, which is needed as jax and tensorflow do not support x[:] assignments.
- abstract elementwise_abs_smaller_than(value)[source]
Return boolean if each tensor element is smaller than value
- expand_link_tensorpair(other, link_self, link_other, new_dim, ctrl='R')[source]
Expand the link between a pair of tensors. If ctrl=”R”, the expansion is random
other : instance of :class`QteaTensor`
- link_selfint
Expand this link in self
- link_otherint
Expand this link in other. Link must be a match (dimension etc.)
- ctrlstr, optional
How to fill the extension. Default to “R” (random)
- new_thisinstance of :class`QteaTensor`
Expanded version of self
- new_otherinstance of :class`QteaTensor`
Expanded version of other
- abstract expand_tensor(link, new_dim, ctrl='R')[source]
Expand tensor along given link and to new dimension.
- abstract classmethod from_elem_array(tensor, dtype=None, device=None)[source]
New tensor from array.
- abstract get_diag_entries_as_int()[source]
Return diagonal entries of rank-2 tensor as integer on host.
- abstract get_submatrix(row_range, col_range)[source]
Extract a submatrix of a rank-2 tensor for the given rows / cols.
- pad(link, new_dim, ctrl='R')[source]
Pad a tensor along given link and to new dimension. It is a wapper around self.expand_tensor. The padding is added at the end.
- linkint
Link to expand
- new_dimint
New dimension of the tensor
- ctrlstr | scalar
Value for the padding
- _AbstractQteaTensor
The padded tensor
- abstract permute_rows_cols_update(inds)[source]
Permute rows and columns of rank-2 tensor with inds. Inplace update.
- restrict_irreps(link_idx, sector)[source]
Restrict, i.e., project, link to a sector (needed for symmetric tensors).
- abstract set_submatrix(row_range, col_range, tensor)[source]
Set a submatrix of a rank-2 tensor for the given rows / cols.
- abstract set_subtensor_entry(corner_low, corner_high, tensor)[source]
Set a subtensor (potentially expensive as looping explicitly, inplace update).
- corner_lowlist of ints
The lower index of each dimension of the tensor to set. Length must match rank of tensor self.
- corner_highlist of ints
The higher index of each dimension of the tensor to set. Length must match rank of tensor self.
- tensor
Tensor to be set as subtensor. Rank must match tensor self. Dimensions must match corner_high - corner_low.
To set the tensor of shape 2x2x2 in a larger tensor self of shape 8x8x8 the corresponing call is in comparison to a numpy syntax:
self.set_subtensor_entry([2, 4, 2], [4, 6, 4], tensor)
self[2:4, 4:6, 2:4] = tensor
Or with variables and rank-3 tensors
self.set_subtensor_entry([a, b, c], [d, e, f], tensor)
self[a:d, b:e, c:f] = tensor
To be able to work with all ranks, we currently avoid the numpy syntax in our implementation.
- split_link_deg_charge(link_idx)[source]
Split a link into two, where one carries the degeneracy, the other the charge.
- class qtealeaves.tensors._AbstractDataMover[source]
Abstract class for moving data between different devices
Class attributes
- tensor_clsTuple[_AbstractTensor]
Tensor classes handled by the datamover
- abstract async_move(tensor, device)[source]
Move the tensor tensor to the device device asynchronously with respect to the main computational stream
- tensor_AbstractTensor
The tensor to be moved
- device: str
The device where to move the tensor
- check_tensor_cls_compatibility(tensor_cls)[source]
Check if a tensor_cls can be handled by the datamover
- tensor_cls_AbstractTensor
The tensor class to check
- move(tensor, device, sync=True)[source]
Move the tensor tensor to the device device
- tensor_AbstractTensor
The tensor to be moved
- device: str
The device where to move the tensor
- syncbool, optional
If True, move synchronously. Otherwise asynchronously.